Montreal Protocol


The use of Methyl Bromide for fumigation of wooden pallets and packaging materials had increased substantially and would continue to grow following the introduction of standard 15 of the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) in early 2004. Parties were invited to monitor that increased use.

With regard to recovering and recycling technology for methyl bromide quarantine and pre-shipment treatments, in decision VII/5, paragraph (C) and decision XI/13, paragraph 7, the Parties had been urged to adopt such technology where technically and economically feasible.

MBTOC had collected data showing that the recapture of methyl bromide from small-scale fumigations in freight containers or fumigation chambers was carried out in several countries using carbon to recapture methyl bromide after use. Adoption of that technology had, however, been driven by safety and local air quality regulations rather than recognition of the need to protect the ozone layer.

Source: Open-ended Working Group of The Parties to the Montreal Protocol (meeting Geneva, July 2004)


Nordiko Meets Montreal Protocol Recapture Efficiency Targets: The September 2006 TEAP Report evaluates efficiencies of different recapture processes and Nordiko rates highest and meets targets recommended: see particularly Sections 4.3 and 4.4 of the Report. View PDF
Sustainability Council of NZ: Media statement on the use of import regulations to drive methyl bromide recapture. View PDF
New WorkSafe (Victoria) Regulations: Safe Transport and Unloading of Fumigated Shipping Containers. View Site
Latest pictures of Ozone Hole. View Site


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About the Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol focuses on the protection of the earth’s ozone layer. This treaty has enabled both developed and developing countries to achieve a near total phase-out in the production and use of most ozone depleting substances. Because the majority of ozone depleting substances are also potent global warming gasses, the actions taken under the Montreal Protocol have contributed significantly to the global effort to address climate change.
Belgian Recapture Decision
The Government of Belgium has recently announced changes to the regulations governing the use of methyl bromide as a fumigant.

ISPM 15 Compliant
Nordiko Installs ISPM 15 compliant Fumigation Chamber: Nordiko has installed a chamber for timber fumigation at Raymond Terrace (H&D Timber) which incorporates the latest capture and destruction technology for methyl bromide.

Recapture Ratified
Montreal Protocol Ratifies Decision on Recapture of Methyl Bromide. Decision XVII/11: Recapturing/Recycling and Destruction of Methyl Bromide from Space Fumigation.

Methyl Bromide Recapture
Montreal Protocol Methyl Bromide Recapture Encouraged.

Methyl Bromide Concerns
ARTICLE – The New Zealand Herald: Nelson, New Zealand Methyl/ Bromide Concerns.

Man-made vs Natural
Man-made Methyl Bromide vs Natural Methyl Bromide.

Toxic Gas Release
PRESS RELEASE – Australian Company Prevents Toxic Gas Release.